Foremost in the mind of anyone who has become disabled and is considering applying for Social Security disability benefits is the question of qualifying. At its most basic, the Social Security Administration requires a prospective claimant to be disabled to the extent that he/she cannot work for at least 12 months. Matters are not quite so simply, however. A Fresno disability lawyer can answer questions you have about qualifying, and help if you are initially denied.
Very Specific Definitions
The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines work within parameters that may not be precisely those one would normally consider. While you may not need the assistance of a Fresno disability lawyer until such time that you appeal and are called to a hearing, a legal specialist can give you some clarification on this rather complex matter.
Age as a Factor
Age is an important consideration that factors into SSA’s definition of “disabled.” In essence, the older the applicant is, the easier it is to found disabled. Those who are age 60 or over will have the best chance of qualifying, but most people age 55 who cannot perform any job they have worked over the past 15 years are also in a favorable position. That said, one who is younger should not necessarily be discouraged from applying. Other considerations may help them, such as if they are unable to read English.
Those who become disabled to the extent they cannot work often face severe financial difficulties along with sometimes extensive medical treatment. SSD can help relieve a person’s financial burden. If you are suffering from a condition that prevents you from working, An experienced Fresno disability lawyer may be able to assist you in qualifying for disability.